Ailish Moriarty

Ailish Moriarty 2019 Nuffield Scholar

Ailish Moriarty is a 2019 Nuffield Scholar. Her study topic will be to “Promote Adoption of Milk Surveillance Schemes & Identify Decision Support Tools to Enable Farmers to Become More Proactive in Managing Herd Health.”

Ailish works as a Milk Quality Manager for Kerry Agribusiness and has over 16 years’ experience working in the food industry. She qualified with a B.SC. Food Technology from UCC and later went on to complete a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Ailish comes from a farming background, works on the family farm and is extremely passionate about the farming industry. Through her interaction with farmers over the last few years she has identified that a need exists to further look at the whole area of animal health and how this is managed.

Ailish objective is to work with farmers & industry to examine how best utilise the surveillance schemes which exist, question if further testing is necessary and address how to overcome barriers to resistance. She plans to travel to Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, UK and USA to investigate further.

Promote Adoption of Milk Surveillance Schemes & Identify Decision Support Tools to Enable Farmers to Become More Proactive in Managing Herd